Kommande LCHF-evenemang

Diet Doctor har gjort en sammanställning av kommande evenemang.



  1. 1
    olle holmqvist säger

    ”Harvardprofessorn i medicin Arnold Seymour Relman som länge var chefredaktör för den ansedda medicinska tidskriften The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) menar att läkaryrket är köpt av läkemedelsindustrin, inte bara när det gäller medicinsk praxis, utan även när det gäller utbildningen och forskningen”

    Relman (1923-2014) var också framträdande kritiker av alternativmedicib
    https://www.quackwatch.org/11Ind/weil.html _ angepp på alternativ-Gurun Weil
    lång men läsvärd artikel !
    ett exempel.
    ”a patient had ”an unusual form of Parkinson’s disease”… frequent seizures during sleep. Presumably in response to Weil’s advice, she tried ”acupuncture, yoga, massage, meditation and other stress-reduction work,” and finally ”respiratory biofeedback,” which eventually caused the seizures to stop. Here again, there is no medical documentation of the diagnosis or the alleged effects of the alternative treatments

    That people usually ”get better,” that most relatively minor diseases heal spontaneously or seem to improve with simple common remedies, is hardly news. Every physician, indeed every grandmother, knows that

    Anecdotal evidence is often used in the conventional medical literature to suggest the effectiveness of treatment that has not yet been tested by formal clinical trials. In fact, much of the mainstream professional literature in medicine consists of case reports—”anecdotes,” of a kind.

    The crucial difference between those case reports and the testimonials that abound the alternative medicine – is that case reports in the mainstream literature are – almost always meticulously documented with objective data to establish the diagnosis and to verify what happened, . whereas the testimonials cited by alternative medicine practitioners usually are not.Almost everything is simply hearsay and personal opinion. ”

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