My take on the Horizon documentary ”Sugar vs Fat”

I dr Briffas blog om Horizon-dokumentären.

Läs kommentarerna också.

Ted Hutchinsom skriver i kommentar:

Hannah Sutter explains how the program was biased here
as does ZOE HARCOMBE And there is a bit more from Dr Briffa

Dawn Waldron, makes sensible comments following the above articles has done her own detailed rebuttal of the Horizon program here. Fats vs Carbs: is truth really on the Horizon?

It’s sad UK ”official” medical/dietary opinion still will not understand the differences between a low carb/high protein diet and a low carb/high fat diet or that it takes time for a gut flora  based on high refined carbohydrate intake to change to a gut flora adapted to high natural fat intake. They also need to understand more about the role of resistant starch when trying to improve Weight Control and Insulin Sensitivity.



  1. 1
    Mayne Sundewall Hopkins säger

    Mycket bra artikel av Dr Briffa!

    Jag såg programmet – ända till slut ..trots att mitt blodtryck säkert var skyhögt inemellan. Det var urbota dåligt rakt igenom och man undrar vilka som sponsrat denna s.k. ’studie’..

    Många som såg programmet kommer att tro på dessa tvillingbröder (tilllika läkare!), vars ’studie’ visade att en sockerrik kost är helt ok medan fett är mycket farligt!!

    Här är några länkar från kommentarerna av Dr Briffas träffande artikel:

    Peter Brukner – Can Elite Athletes Eat LCHF And Win?

    ”..Susan Jebb, who in 1995 co-authored a paper which concluded..” – ‘..average recorded energy intake in Britain has declined substantially as obesity rates have escalated..’ – “ her own work fails to back up the notion that ‘it’s all about the calories, stupid’..”

    “..There is more analysis and comment on this frustrating and damaging programme here. It’s a worry that the BBC can’t muster the resources to develop a rigorous small-scale diet trial..”

    ”..Prof. Tim Noakes (one of the world’s foremost sports scientists, trained as an MD and a ‘convert’ to LCHF/Banting). I got the following very intersting link from him. It leads to a very interesting (and unsually balanced) examination of the relative merits of LCHF & carb loading for cyclists. A pity that the cycling expert on the show was apparently unaware of this..”

  2. 2
    Mayne Sundewall Hopkins säger

    Ytterligare länkar:

    ”..Impaired glucose tolerance in low-carbohydrate diet: maybe only a physiological state..”
    ”..For that reason, it should be common in clinical practice that patients submitted to oral glucose tolerance tests not be under severe carbohydrate restriction, since this could alter the response to the glucose overload..”

    ”..Why a Burger King Whopper contains LESS calories than a restaurant salad: Fattening upscale meals revealed..”
    Tänk så fel det kan bli när man räknar kalorier istället för näringsvärde!!

  3. 3

    Hannah Sutter explains how the program was biased here
    as does
    And there is a bit more from Dr Briffa

    Dawn Waldron, makes sensible comments following the above articles has done her own detailed rebuttal of the Horizon program here.
    Fats vs Carbs: is truth really on the Horizon?

    It’s sad UK ”official” medical/dietary opinion still will not understand the differences between a low carb/high protein diet and a low carb/high fat diet or that it takes time for a gut flora based on high refined carbohydrate intake to change to a gut flora adapted to high natural fat intake.
    They also need to understand more about the role of resistant starch when trying to improve Weight Control and Insulin Sensitivity.

  4. 4

    Zoë Harcombe has expanded her original rebuttal of the Horizon program here
    Horizon: Sugar vs. Fat Zoë Harcombe February 3, 2014

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