Lyckat test med lågkolhydratkost i Kuwait

Diabetes.doc refererar en studie på lågkolhydratkost i Kuwait.

Som vanligt utföll lågkolhydratkosten bättre än lågfett-lågkalori. Alla parametrar blev bättre.



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    Very interesting study report. I saw another study from Kuwait with similar results.
    The oil money brings Western food, obesity , new chronic diseases but seemingly also an economic independence in research. An independence I think we now largely have lost in Sweden. Here politicians argued for years that Universities must be ”independent” and find their own funding from industry and work together with industry, get out of their ”Ivory Towers”. The state funding was reduced and the new ”independent” Universities became more dependent then ever on the industry they would have to offer their services to from then on. The result has of course brought constant pressures on universities to find industry projects to work for. At what price? Where the science is exact and the customer merely wants to know a solution, the system can work out very well. But when the customer merely wants to ”buy scientific support” for new and existing products in the form of sponsored studies, conflicts of interests are obvious, whether the customer is Big pharma, Monsanto or Big Food. In short when large consumer (sensitive) products are involved and ”results” are broadcast as ”the latest science” to the wider public and its political servants, it does not work well. Universities then become mere sophisticated advertising hubs and the scientific researches ?
    Combined with revolving doors to corporate boards and state(?) advice boards it should be of no surprise that ”bad results” are often buried or sometimes even polished and presented as break-throughs, all to suit the client. The invisible line in the sand for what is permitted was seemingly drawn by first margarin promotor Ancel Keys with his 7 (22) countries studies mid last century showing saturated fats caused heart disease. Much more in Ralf Sundberg’s book, ”Research Cheats”, or whatever title he elects for his English translation of ”Forskningsfusket”, now long overdue!

    It is interesting to see that large diet intervention studies that are ””impossible” here can be possible there, in Kuwait! Any larger such RCT studies made in Sweden? When will we have such studies, un-tied from pharma companies, by independent researchers? Or is Sweden now some kind of banana republic that cannot afford it? What is the Swedish tax payer spending on medical research through the state every year? Through which ”expert” channels to research? What are we spending on pharmaceuticals every year? Need to know.

    Other studies on non-patentable supplements have been made in stranger places, one I found from Iran!
    Here below a link to that medical intervention study testing how Vitamin C affects glucose control, serum lipids and insulin in diabetes patients. Results were extraordinary good, in the right dosage. ( Something to be combined with LCHF for many?)
    Here is the link to the Iran study:
    The presentation of the Iran result is also interesting: 500 mg per day gave no measurable effect. 1000 mg per day gave a significant effect. When such results are achieved in our part of the world and pharma is paying part of the study cost, the 1000 mg/ day result can just remain unpublished resulting in the published conclusion that ”Vitamin C did not improve diabetes markers in intervention trial. ( 500 mg/day)”. Could a meta study on Vitamin C trials even have included the 500 mg/day result from this very study to show that Vit. C ”has no effect” by excluding the 1000 mg/day results? Is it a ”publishing decision” Are there any ”rules” ?

    Very recently a few other pharma(?) sponsored studies showed that Vitamin D had no effect on flue, after 100’s of studies over the last few years have shown just the opposite. But it is of course the time for flu-shots just now.

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