Jag tar upp från kommentar från i morse, av Alvar Edin:
Kanske, kanske kommer min upplevelse och andras så småningom accepteras som något mer än ”anekdotiska bevis”.
I, a Swedish churchsinger, song- and speechteacher, was born 1940 in the north of Sweden. 176 cm tall and slender until I was about 50 years. Weight about 145 lbs. Then I started to increase my weight rapidly to almost 200 lbs. Problems with my breathing started. As if someone or something cut off my breath when I sang and began to have chestpains. (My father died in a heartinfarct 63 years old and I had a brother who made his first bypassoperation 52 years old and then another about ten years later.Still he had severe problems until he died at 74. So I knew about my probable inheritance.
After doctors diagnosis vascular spasm and heart failure they ordered the usual medications and after some time (maybe 2-3 years) double doses.
In 1975 I fell down the stairs in our house with a little girl in my arms. I succeded to protect the child but broke my left arm. It was an uncomplicated fracture but during the surgery they injured one of the nervs in my arm and I woke up with my left hand paralysed. Or more likely the paralysis originated from a whiplash trauma when I fell. I think maybe so because of the terrible pain I had and for more than 30 years I had more or less those pains from my neck and my hands went numb. (The ability to move my hand returned after some time. Not 100% though.) Painkillerpills were the solution.At last I had to retire some years before time.
Three years ago I heard about LCHF for the first time from a good friend with overweigt and diabetes 2. He is now slim and does not have to take insulin at all. My curiosity made me study.. My wife and I decided to try this diet. We had no expectations whatsoever about the result. Then one surprice after another occurred. In short time I lost pounds unto, for my constitution, ideal weight, 155 lbs. I´m still there. After a while I noticed that I had no chestpains so I decided to take away medicin. (Whithout consulting my doctor!!!) First Simvastatin, then nitroglycerin (different kinds of pills and capsules) and so on…. I also observed less pain from my neck and from my fingers. A few persons in Sweden have testified about the same recovery from heartproblems. Not many heartpatients dare to take away their medicin. Doctors can of course not advise their patients to do so. Understanable.
But for me after 3 years with LCHF (not absolutely strict, I´m not diabetic) I´ve become a new, healthy life. Without any medication. I have not felt so well in many years and I am now 100% active with singing, teaching, gardening, carpentry, painting, cleaning, grooming poodles (my wifes kenneldogs).You name it! In August 2011 I will be 71 years old. I´m so tremendously thankful.
Takk Alvar Edin for at du deler din helsehistorie med oss andre. Sterk og overbevisende historie. Den gir oss sterkt håp og også tro på at det kan gå bra med vår egen helse, også hva hjertet angår i framtiden.
Og er det ikke deilig å ha funnet en vei som også psykisk gjør en trygg i.f.t. helsa si 🙂 Livet har nok av (også gode) utfordringer alikevel.
Dr. Annika. Ny kunnskap om glykering av proteiner og virkning på hjertet. : Hvilke tanker gjør du deg om allerede oppstått hjertekar-arterieplakk. Jeg vet vel at forskning på denne type plakk, forårsaket at skrapmat kontra lchf ikke finnes. MEN: Tror du, er det mulig at lchf kan ”sope” vekk noe av denne plakken over tid? Taksam om du ville si litt om hva du tenker om akkurat dette. Vet vi noe om reversering av arterieplakk eller er det bare blodfortynningsmedisiner som gjelder???
Ragnhild, Vi har fått flera rapporter om att hjärtkärlundersökningar, tex med ultraljud och arteriografi, har förbättrats efter några år med LCHF, så det är väldigt positivt.